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Matching entries from Abigail M. Schilling

Burnt Toast

Today is already kicking my ass. I'm late for work, almost got a parking ticket, can't find something cute to wear to a luncheon* today, and I want to just crawl back into bed. Because in bed, all I'm required...

The internet is capital A Awesome

I'm away from home again and with each of the ever increasing trips to my non-disclosed headquarters, I bring something to improve it. Last week I installed a wireless router ALL ON MY OWN. The best part about that is...

happy windsday, eeyore!

I've been dealing with some personal stuff lately, wherein "personal" means I am not allowed to blog about it unless I want to die. This has wrecked my carefully balanced life scheduled: three days out of the office for every...

Happy Windsday, Eeyore.

Gooooooood morning, world! This morning I left my phone in the dining room instead of tucked in the crevice of my neck. My phone is my alarm and I like to keep it under my pillow at night. I also...

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