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Burnt Toast

Today is already kicking my ass. I'm late for work, almost got a parking ticket, can't find something cute to wear to a luncheon* today, and I want to just crawl back into bed. Because in bed, all I'm required to do is read the internet.


*Luncheon: I had a long discussion with my coworkers about this at Starbucks yesterday. What's the difference between a lunch and a luncheon? Theories were proffered: lunches usually have more food, luncheons are in unusual places, lunches are more informal, luncheons are not fun. What say you?


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At my company, luncheons are in the conference CENTER and you get to keep the centerpieces from the tables. Lunches are in the conference ROOM and there are no centerpieces.

M'dear http://www.usatoday.com/community/chat/0601baldri.htm

Also, didn't you learn something from Business Cat? Dig her out and talk to her.

M'dear http://www.usatoday.com/community/chat/0601baldri.htm

Also, dig up ol Business Cat and ask her!

Typical luncheon fare is chewy breast of chicken with some sort of white flavorless sauce, and boiled baby carrots on the side. For dessert: bland sheet cake, or possibly no dessert at all.

This menu may be served at lunch or at dinner, but at dinner it's called a "banquet." I hate luncheons and banquets.

I went to a luncheon once with a buffet where they had - among other things - meatloaf! It was great. I'm so tired of chicken in white sauce.

I'm pretty sure that at luncheons people wear hats and pearls and drink from teacups.

I'm not sure of the history of it, and clearly I'm too lazy to Wikipedia that shit, but "luncheon" always reminds me of old people sitting around drinking tea. Not that there's anything particularly wrong with that mental image. I happen to very much like old people. And tea.

I think your spam filter ate my comment. :'(

So it seems my blog has stopped telling me when I have comments to approve. That's fun.

Srah, chicken with white sauce and sheet cake are like my favorite foods. I was made for luncheons.

And yes, everyone, I think "tea-like" is appropriate description.

At our luncheon, we had a plated chinese chicken salad with rolls and strawberry cheesecake for dessert. The cheesecake gave me a bad tummy ache.

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