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Burnt Toast: Reprise

Moments after penning my brilliant blog post yesterday, I wandered to my car and became even later for work when the car wouldn't start. I called AAA and they were so very pleasant (and no sexist comments this time either!) and sent a car out to test and jump my battery. They handed me a little slip that said my battery was operating at less than 10 percent and needed to be replaced.

So I drove to the mechanic and moaned and groaned and they replaced my battery. They also replaced my serp belt and the thing that held the serp belt in place because both were dying. So, just like that I found out there were three things currently wrong with my car that I didn't even know about. And it cost me about three Benjamins.

I decided to wait for my car to get fixed because I'm just that sort of person, so I followed my usual waiting routine which involves playing Trism and reading (but not at the same time). This worked until I realized I was STARVING so I took a walk and found a gas station. Sadly, they did not carrying donettes or Hostess products and all their "pastries" looked like they had been baked in the back of the gas station. So I settled for a Starbucks Frappuccino. And before I let any more of this post turn into a whine fest, let's change the subject!

Tonight the models going to Amsterdam on America's Next Top Model. As you might remember, I got cocky back in week 12 or something, and predicted the top six. And I did pretty good.



Wild card: Sheena.

Plus McKey. Who they never give any screen time to. Poor, awkward, cage-fighting McKey. So, this goes to show that watching 11 cycles of this crap TOTALLY PAYS OFF. Who will eliminated tonight?


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