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Weird Things Currently Wrong
With My Car

My automatic lights won't turn off. As in, when I park my car and turn the car off, the lights stay on. They used to delay at whatever interval I set them at but now I can't control it, nor can I turn it off. Thankfully, my car has a built idiot-proof measures for people who just forget to turn the lights off so that's what's saving my battery. Otherwise my lights would be on 24/7.

My seat belt clicker is broken. You click the belt in and then it slides right out like trick candles. It's like I'm driving to my own funeral. In an effort to improve my life expectancy, I've started plugging it into the passenger side clicker. Obviously, this makes me look like a total toolbox.

The emergency brake light comes on when it's not supposed to. I don't ever use the emergency brake because I grew up in Chicago and we don't have hills there. Also, you have to shove the break although way into the floor for it to actually work. Heather says that's because that is just what happens with Ford brakes. Anyway, that light on my dashboard that reminds me to disengage likes to come on whilst driving. It doesn't correlate at all. Just, you know, comes on for kicks.

All of these things starting happening within days of each other. WTH. I'm going to take it in to my mechanic for a long overdue oil change and I'll ask him about this stuff, but I'm afraid the first thing I'll have to go to the dealer for and I'm scared of dealers because they deal.


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If it makes you feel any better, my car wouldn't start on Monday, so I was late to work. And then it took over an hour to change the battery because my dad and I dropped this special important plate in the car. IN the car. And once we got that out, and changed the battery, well the lights are yellow-y. So I think my alternator is mad.

Ruh roh. Good luck.

My emergency brake light stays on all the time. Also, my dashboard clock is on the fritz. I think the two are linked? It's my hope that these things are minor and fuse-related so I can put them off until the next pay day.

I used to have a car with those linked. The great thing about fuse problems is they're super cheap!

I'm guessing your warranty is up?

On a related sidenote, did you know that you're supposed to use your emergency brake all the time, because just using the parking brake puts undue pressure on your tires? I just learned that this weekend.

Hey look! Another comment my blog ate!

Ashley, even if my e-brake is on, my parking brake would still be on, right?

In my old car, the check engine light used to flick on and off all the time because of some electrical short or something, so I just ignored it like I do most car problems. This is not a good idea, btw.

I'm no expert, but I think your car has gremlins. Maybe an exorcism is in order?

I have a friend who had a Ford, and she used to be able to pull the key out of the ignition while driving, and the car still kept going (and not just temporarily...she could drive for hours like that!). So at least that's not happening.

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