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Favorites: Dear Old Love

Alright, I am totally addicted to this new site, Dear Old Love. "Dear Old Love is short notes to people we've loved (or at least liked). Requited or unrequited." GENIUS. It's a mixed bag with some sweet, some funny, and some heart-cripplingly depressing. Some of my favorites...

Please change your email password. I’m addicted.

You made me believe in soulmates. Just wish I was yours.

I was afraid if you got close you’d see the Scotch tape holding me together.

I hate when people ask me what my “type” is. Because I always end up describing you.

The real insult is you left me for a girl who uses Hotmail as her primary email.

I held out hope that you’d come rushing into the temple, tear down the chuppah and declare your love for me right up until the moment I smashed the glass.

The editor also has quite the aptitude for headlining the pieces. That's a skill I've never really managed--the clever headline. Hats off to you, editor dude.

Once you start reading, you can't help but start writing them in your own head. And then submitting them because you're crazy. Oh, is that just me?

(via Que Sera Sera)


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Oh no. A new site to become addicted to.

Yes, but it's easy because they're so short. Promise.

I just added this to my Reader. Awesome.

This? The real insult is you left me for a girl who uses Hotmail as her primary email. is the best line I have ever read.

Dear Old Love.

Its an addiction...be careful...send help!

Thanks for sharing this, Abigail. I love that site!

I am now in love with that site.

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