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Just Say No (to drugs, sex, and fill in the blank)

I always have to call my mom after I go to the doctor so she can see if she guess exactly what I'm prescribed.

So I called her and whined about how they took my blood and she said, "That's what you get, bragging on your blog about how you don't have to get shots anymore."

Also, she did correctly guess the prescription which is no small feat seeing as they gave me three (3) of them. In addition to curing my asthma, my doctor, who told me I could just call her "Miki" (as in mouse), wanted to check out all my other bodily functions. So she ordered all these lab tests and also asked me if I was sure I didn't want the chlaymdia testing. (I hope I spelled that wrong, google.) Apparently, I'm in the target chlamydia age bracket and seriously, at risk. So then I had to assure her that I was not having all the sex.

Finally, she said, "I didn't mean to offend you." Really? Really? Asking four (4) times if I want my STDs tested? Whatever, lady, just give me the drugs.

I was also telling my mom how sweet Matt offered to come the hospital in lieu of our Weekend of Fun even though that wouldn't be necessary. (If I ever have to spend days in the hospital due to my asthma, I might as well die.)

"Yeah, he's gonna wish you guys were in the hospital. With all those steroids they prescribed you, he won't be able to keep up."

"It's alright," I said. "Heather can keep up. He'll just watch."


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And remember, families that share drugs - stay together... that might work for friends too.

Wait a minute... none of your drugs are fun. When your body shakes as if you're sitting in a 6.5 magnitude Southern California earthquake (gosh, I hope writing that down doesn't precipitate one)........ who wants to feel THAT way?

I am so sorry the "asthma gotta have brochodilators AND steriods power jolt your body" gene got passed on through BOTH sides.

And re: the sexually active bracket... do you remember when you were 14 and I hit the roof and demanded another doctor after Dej brought in that young female doc (who wore spandex mini skirts- REMEMBER THAT?) and she insisted on asking you questions about sexual things that your little virgin head and heart had never considered (AND OBVIOUSLY WAAAAAAAAAY BEFORE YOUR instroduction to "Friends"...) and the combined expression of pain and embarassment and "Who the hell is this tramp, my MOM is sitting right here with smoke coming out of her nose..." because you knew the defacant was about to hit the cooling system... led me to the conclusion that you were no longer suffering from asthma!!!

See, it worked! at least for awhile anyway.

you have STEROIDS??

this weekend IS going to be an extravaganza.

friends don't let friends jones, right?

I should be okay on my bronchodilators, so its really just the roids I need.

(And hold on, we're all going to bask in my mad HTML skillz for a second.
Assuming I did it right. :-D )

Tonight I said no to The OC by accident. :o(

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