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My Week in Pictures

Southern California Smog Sunset

She finally came home to me

There was a Chipotle Challenge (more pictures at a later date)

I attended a college basketball game today. I wore gear, I garnered some pride. I had riveting conversations with the people I sat with. (Yes, that is an argyle sweater at a college basketball game.)

And the game faces. (He's our people, can you tell?)


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Are we covering all the emotions in those shots?

I LOVE seeing your people.

I have some "gear" in my closet....

It's nice to see you attending college basketball games. It's very impressive for you to look back on the ole' days when you were still a student. You haven't forgotten those who are left behind Miss Graduating Early. :O)

Sally, I'd like you to keep the drug and drug paraphenalia references to yourself.

Its not just a joke for some of us.

Okay, Matt... to use one of your phrases, "That noise you're hearing is the sound of what you just wrote going way over my head."

I'm taking you literally and I'm not sure that's what you had in mind. If it is, what you have said so confuses me that I'm having a tough time returning to my Macroeconomics textbook.

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