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Oh, you know, I would, but that might get in the way of my lying-around time

Going to the chiropractor after a long hiatus is not at all unlike getting your ass kicked in high school. It felt really great at the time and I even remember, at one point, thinking, "this is better than sleep." (I'm not really sure if getting your ass kicked in high school feels great at the time, that was a non-sequetor. But about the same thing.)

But now, I can't really remember the they've-kept-me-here-so-long-that-it's-costing-less-than-a-dollar-per-minute feeling and I have the tenderness and wiped-outness of a day at the beach and sunburn and the memory of the massage therapist saying, "we have to expand and contract your muscles rapidly so they'll tire out and won't keep tensing up."

It still feels like winning though to be validated. There's nothing like hearing those words, "these are really big knots." Yes! They are! They hurt like hell all the time! Thank you!

And that's Friday. (Seriously, I can't type anymore, I'm that worn out.)


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Awwww. Did the chiropracter say you'd feel as energetic as a jumping bean once you recovered from the knot elimination session?

Love the new pic!!

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