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Serious Athletes Live Here

Once upon a time I lived a perfectly normal life. I went to class, ate cafeteria food, went to basketball games, and worked a part-time job. And then I met Emily. Now Emily leaves a fairly normal life. She goes to class, eats cafeteria food, goes to basketball games, and works a part-time job. And she loves ultimate frisbee. Let me clarify: SHE LOVES ULTIMATE FRISBEE.

Frisbee has inundated my life. There are plays and flicks and discs and tournaments and coaches and practice and ohmygod all the terms. Breaking the mark, bear-ninja-cowboy, boulder cuts, and the hammer. Yes, the hammer.

Needless to say, frisbee has become a big part of my life. In fact, recently, I was having a conversation with my mom and I actually started talking about ultimate frisbee even though Emily was nowhere around. That's when I started to get worried.

Well, I fasted from ultimate (if you're cool you just call it ultimate) for the past several weeks as Emily was gone and not feeding me daily facts and MySpace links.

And now she's back. And making t-shirts for her team. Teams are the best part of ultimate because you get to make up your own name. We're not talking gators or bears or any other fierce animal. We're talking sparkles and polka dots. Smells Like Polka Dots.

Ultimate frisbee is not a real sport. But as long as it's important to Emily I'll keep on practicing my tomahawk.

And best of luck to the Smells Like Polka Dots in the tournament tomorrow!


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How's that pregame frothy orange juice?!

Ghee, I've been assigned to a beta community for "revolutionary, mystic followers of Jesus", a "city of voices"... and whatever else we can pound the drum with.

Of course, there are responsibilities to maintaining my new BETA blog. Too many steps for me.

Being the astute student...and being hellbent on ensuring I have adequate information on my subject... I must attend to all the guidelines! That's where you come in.

I implore you to help me with this FISH (get it - Beta - Jesus) movement attempt and build my new blog. Har har har har. I don't think any of the builders of this movement get that one!

your mom said "this fish" and I was really confused.

Emily could use some responsible empageons?

dangit I cant spell.

Thanks Abigail for all the support. But just so you know, Ultimate is a real sport. If it's good enough for the World Games and the Olympics, then I'm pretty sure that classifies it as a real sport.

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