« Sometimes, I think it might be okay to relive the past. At least for a weekend. | Main | Let's forget we're running out of time »

Things I Take For Granted:

My job.
Getting to push the elevator button whenever I want.
Having other people cook for me.
My car.
Good friends.


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I don't have anything to say except Abigail has been watching a Kevin Federline music video for the past three minutes. And he actually says the words "Brazilian ass shaker."

Maybe somebody else could make fun of her because I'm too tired.

"Having other people cook for me."

I say exploit that ;)

I just have this to say to you, Heather.

When are you coming to see me? I'm coming to see you March 10-12. Oh yes.

Things I take for granted:

"Remember personal info?" boxes that actually work.
Closed books on my shelves as opposed to open ones on my desk with my nose stuck in them.

The Federline cannot even approach the master: Hasselhoff!

Dooce did the meme. I like to think it was because you tagged her.

Or not, whatever. :-)

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