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California, here I come

I travelled to California's Central Coast (which is neither Northern California nor Southern California, thus the central) for the wedding of a dear friend of mine. I took so many pictures this weekend and have so many stories and can't get all out and down right now but I can give you these two things:


This picture was taken as we were missing the 101. DId we notice that we missed it? Not so much. Did we craft a whole lie on why we took the 126 instead of the 101 so no one would know we missed the 101? Did this picture totally incriminate us? Very yes. But while incriminating, it gave us the opportunity to flex our mad freeway system skills. We are so good.


I spent a large part of my Saturday in Templeton, California, which I think is a city because of the grainery. And when I say "city" I definitely mean 4-way stops and a deli.

However, my stay in Templeton involved an experience which was both Garden State and The OC blended together. There was takeout around a table with waifs like me and, in the end, I took the hug.


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Good Stuff! =)

I will laugh about the freeway picture for a long time. But i am curious to know, why did you go to a wedding and come back to your loving blogosphere with a picture of a factory?

Bitch, please. It's not a factory, it's a grainery. They take wheat and make in into flour ... or something.

Besides, are you really surpised? Sure, I love weddings. But road trips and small towns? Perhaps the best part.

when i hear templeton, i think "The fair is a veritable smorgasbord orgasbord orgasbord..."

we discussed that right away.

"wasn't there a character from Charlotte's Web named Templeton?"

"was it the huge, bloated, disgusting rat?


"huh. welcome to Templeton."

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