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Why the show Bridezilla was such a great idea

Jeni: If you had to decide between a circle waffle maker and a four-square waffle maker which would you pick?

Abigail: ...


Abigail: Okay, um, the square one because that way you can make half a waffle without it looking awkward.

Jeni: And also then more than one person can be eating.

Abigail: Totally. Which one did you register for?

Jeni: Both, I couldn't decide.

Abigail: You registered for both?

Jeni: Well, yeah, because the square one is practical, but when I was little my mom always made the mickey mouse waffles and I want to do that for my kids.

Abigail: ...

Jeni: I know, Bart said that too. But what if we do have kids while we still have the waffle maker? And then I can't make the mickey mouse waffles? And then my kids hate me?

Four minutes later she cried at an Applebee's commercial.


Please tell Jeni that she will be allowed to acquire appliances after the wedding. Stores let you do that ... in fact, they encourage it. *wink* But I must confess that it's not nearly as much fun when you have to buy one for yourself. "When in doubt, buy (ask for) both" has been my policy and served me quite well for a very long time. Hope her waffle wishes come true!

She has a valid point. Once, my mother served me a cockamamie waffle in the shape of a badly wrecked triangle. I have never forgiven her.

The one with the little boy and the firemen? Yeah, that one got me, too.

I haven't even thought about registering yet. *panics*

A waffle is a waffle is a waffle.

That's what I think. But Mickey Mouse is something else. My first crush (I imagine), ;)

When in doubt, attack ALL options.

I'm not sure I know HOW to make waffles in anything.

But the Mickey Mouse? you can do that with pancake mix and a cup!

knowing how my life goes, no one will even buy us either of the damn waffle makers.

::sigh:: man, that Applebees commercial...(insert Ross clap)

Ya know, Jeni, you can enter sweepstakes and win one..

Waffling over a waffle iron. Funny.

Appleby's has the saddest commercials ever.

Circle waffles are the only way to go. Practicality be damned.

Hello, Abigail.

half a waffle - round, rectangular, or retarded - is only as awkward as you let it be.

and: oh, jeni.

Don't waffles all end up in the same place?


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