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My Thoughts on Elizabethtown

...because I've seen this movie four times and almost regret every single time. (Andrew said that is eight hours of my life I'll never get back, but I'd like to point out that I am very efficient in my movie watching and take multi-tasking to a whole new level with multiple viewings.)

The first time I saw this was in D.C. last fall. Consequently, it was not with Shepherd even though we had discussed seeing the movie on about four hundred different occasions (occasions that I actually do regret because I will never get them back) and tossed movie times back in forth over text messages every day I was there. There's not a really good reason for why we didn't see it except that if we had I wouldn't be wasting your time now talking about something that never happened. Sorry about that.

So, I saw it in D.C. and was mildly interested in the hotness of Bloom and also the Fugly Dunst snaggle tooth. For about thirty minutes. Then I just started waiting for another good song to play. (And there are a lot of good songs. I'll give ol' Cameron that much.)

The thing is: there are lot of good parts in the movie. Like Chuck and Cindy's Wedding (motto: "Lovin' Life, Lovin' You"), or that video they play to make the kids stop misbehaving, or that part when the little kid throws the turkey to the ground for the dogs to fight over. I mean, that stuff is priceless. And there is this whole free bird that I don't even want to give away it was that good. And yet two hours just seemed SO LONG.

You know how it's about a road trip? You watch a whole movie before the road trip even begins. Seriously. The road trip is like the sequel or something.

And it gives you things to think about. However, after trudging through so much you don't want to think about them. You just want it to be over. Which is too bad because I'm sure there is something to be said about life and death and death and life right next to each other. And I'm sure there is something to be said about success and failure and which is which. And I'm sure there is something to be said about family.

But the movie is too exhausting to encourage discussion. Which is too bad because I would totally be interested in a discussion about wedding mottos.


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this movie was playing on my flight back from copenhagen, but since i'm barely not a midget, i couldn't see the screen over the seat in front of me. but my traveling companions, being practical giants, did watch the flick, and speak of it to this day as 'the crappiest movie ever.'

My sentiments exactly! There were some great scenes, but overall it was just, well, what you said.

Oh, I love it!

THIS IS SO WAY OVER MY HEAD!! I don't get it! YAY!

Momma loves her girl!

Matt totally fell asleep during this movie. Unfortunately, this isn't the best test, because he definitely did the same during Garden State. Shameful.

Elizabethtown: 10 hours masquerading as 2 masquerading as 10.


Also, the Bloomster? Someone could benefit from a little lesson in smell-the-fart acting.

I loved the movie. Still do. I guess growing accustomed to 3-4 hour long movies makes the really slow 2-hour ones go more quickly.

And now I'm panicking because MY wedding doesn't have a motto. :-O

I'm so glad I hopped over here to check out your site today via Heather Anne's blog, because nothing so far in all the time I've been awake has made me laugh that much. I thank you. :)

Hello, Abigail!

I never said that. But I should have. Second worst movie ever.

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