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My Week in Pictures

So, this one time they just closed the freeway
Oh, Southern California


This week we celebrated a lot over here on the West Coast. Friday I graduated from an amazing great books program I completed while I was an undergrad. We got rings and blue stoles. (I'm not really sure what I'm going to do with the stole.) Saturday was University Commencement.

Friends for four years (and counting)
Fierce (alternate title: I love us)
Oh, and they all have blogs. From left: Cate, Tim, (me), Andrew, Kathy.

This is us at Commencement today. Heather, Emily, Elle and Carolyn (and a ton of other really cool people) all graduated today. We packed a bag of activities (People magazine, Vogue, and the laptop) and staked out this cove outside of the venue. Then, whenever we heard the names coming up we would run in and cheer. Good times.
This is how we do graduation

End of an Era
End of an Era

Today, we helped Jon move. Well, I guess I use help loosely.
I'm really helpful


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I think I've figured a few things out now...


ET, will you please call home?

ET can't call home because HER PHONE DOESN'T WORK.

By the way, really impressed with all of you who figured out how to get a hold of me today despite the phone situation.

You all look stunning! and so Joyful (No more classes. No more loose change in the bank! No more homework! Ofcourse Joy is in-season!) Thrilled for you! :)

I still have to enrol for graduation ceremony which will be at the end of the year.

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