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"Wednesday? When? What day?"

Yesterday I thought it was Tuesday. I kept saying, "today feels like Tuesday" out loud so that somehow I would stop thinking it or that someone would validate me and say, "Abigail, you're totally right and not crazy at all, it does feel like Tuesday."

But everyone did what they usually do: pretended they couldn't hear me.

I figured that today, the actual Tuesday I would pull myself together. There was, after all, weekly breakfast with Jon and Carolyn and the Tuesday schedule for work and assorted other activities that confirmed that today would be just your average TUESDAY.

And it felt like Wednesday. All. Day. Long.

Do you know how much longer a day seems when you think it's Wednesday, you know, the day before Thursday before Friday but it's actually NOT. It's only TUESDAY. Do you know how depressing that is?

I spent the morning exploring greater Los Angeles County and spending some quality time with the morning drive time DJs on the radio. Involuntarily. And every time I thought about the week and the driving and how I wanted to kill myself I would think only two more days. And then I'd catch myself and remember that it was only TUESDAY.

At one point I called Kathy and left the following message:

Hey, I've got some time on my hands and I realized that since it's Wednesday you don't have work and I think you might not have work because you have class but I was thinking that maybe you don't have class because it's the end of the semester and do you want to hang out? Call me.

She called me back twenty minutes later to inform me that it was TUESDAY. Damn you, TUESDAY, damn you.

I had time because I left work early (at 2:30). I started drinking at 3. See, it made a lot more sense to unload the dishwasher whilst drinking tequila. It also made sense to drink the tequila whilst doing a lot of other things. And I'd like to believe that when I was under the influence that I was pretty sure it was actually Tuesday.

In fact, I'm not really sure why I'm not drinking now. Tequila was the one thing making sense. And I've got a long week ahead of me.


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Awwwww. One of those days. Actually sounds like my Friday. Except, I knew it was Friday.

Oh, Kathy fooled you. It is Wednesday today. Infact only 6hrs and 10 minutes of Wednesday remain as I type this.

Now why don't they have $8.00 jugs of Tequila during Happy Hour? Hmmmph.

i seriously had this conversation with myself yesterday: "man, i don't want to unload the dishwasher. i bet if i had some scotch i'd want to unload it."

"well, now that i've had the scotch i still don't want to unload the dishwasher. maybe i'll have some more."

This is a frightening post for mothers --- this one in particular.

btw, I got it. Does anyone else?

Your Great Grandfather, Joseph Leo McGrath would love your smarts, wit and charm.

But I think he always understood what day it was..

Hey, it's WEDNESDAY! You know, the day before Thursday!
Aren't you glad? Even if you're not, at least your sunburn doesn't hurt...
p.s. I will cry if I don't go to a Panera, anywhere, with you soon.

I have been feeling like it's Friday ALL FRICKIN DAY, and I just want it to actually be Friday so I don't have to to work. Ay, alas, woe is me.

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