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Me llamo Abigail.


There is absolutely nothing that compares with leaving your camera home for the day and seeing what people do with it. Andrew is currently taking a Spanish crash-course to complete his degree before moving on to more serious things (i.e. Notre Dame).

And they're lucky to have him: he is doing wonders with the Spanish language. Below are two video tutorials, one by Kathy and one by Andrew, on the Spanish language. Enjoy.

Que pasa? Como estas?


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I wish I had Spanish teachers like you guys!

I don't get it. How come all these super smart, consciencious kids have to complete crash courses in Spanish in order to graduate?

And please don't let your brother know this - he's already balking at taking Spanish in college.

Speaking of your bro, he would really like mail at HRC and care packages. Come on,you guys can really make his day.

Because crash courses are the way to go. Three weeks, four hours a day and it's all over. Ours has been great.

M'dear, Cate, Just how does that serve you or society in the long run?

I would never have been able to tell that they weren't native speakers!!

Que Pa Sa

I played them in front of my two Mexican friends and an American friend who learnt Spanish in high school for 6 years and still can't really speak Spanish. They burst out laughing :D

OMG you need to update. It's been sooo long. C'mon Abiail. Time to blog. None of this skipping days business...

It serves me and society as a whole in exactly the same way the regular class does. Nadda.

Well that's not entirely true, it saves me time and is therefore better.

ever since abs posted this i have been trying to find words to say how amazing i think kathy and andrew are.

and all i can come up with is beeech, por favor.

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