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My Week in Pictures

We're going back to the smaller pictures so the blog loads faster. You can, of course, click the picture for the larger version. Which you might need to do for the spot-the-party picture.

1. Alright, gear up because this is the best GEAR picture you will ever see EVER.

2. This stuff (gellato) makes the fact that I can't have ice cream totally okay.
Gellato: the non-dairy lover's dessert

3. We went to an Angels game. The Los Angeles or maybe the Los Angeles Anaheim Angels but most definitely not the Anaheim Angels. (You can read about the whole debate here.)

This picture was supposed to be us and the giant red A but I'm not so good with the framing so this picture is just us.
This is us at the Angels game (you can't see the sign)

Also, since the tickets were free, my people felt no need to actually watch the game. You can see Kathy in the foreground reading a book and Cate is in the blue shirt in the row below doing her Spanish homework. I know.
In case you were wondering the girl in the foreground is reading a book and then the girl in the blue shirt is writing AT A BASEBALL GAME

4. Then, there was a wedding. You know, the famed blogged-about-for-the-past-one-million-years wedding.

Can you spot us? We partying.
Spot the partiers (party-ers? partyers?)

Alright, so are you supposed to wait at the church after the wedding before going to the reception and if so how long?
Hot slash cool

and they lived happily ever after
And they lived happily ever after


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Whoopee - professional Torrey party animals!

Where's the photo of the girls at the game POST beer consumption?

Happy wedded bliss Rebecca and the guy.

I wanna know, is Jeni back?

Jeni is back and we're working on convincing her to come visit. I think these pictures are a step in the right direction.

I had to go to Trampoline and get myself some gellatoey goodness after looking at the photo. It was the tastiest decision! And I seriously thought Heather Anne got married (supported by her taking a mysterious holiday from blogging) but then I read the blog and the post about the priest and his preachings. ^_^

It is so good to see you are having a splendid time!!! Once these despicable exams are over, I will attempt to jump on the party band wagon too! But first, I must find me some partymates.

Can I just say that every one of our faces in the initial Angel game picture are totally bizarre. It is like we all forgot what a camera did or something...

Cate, that comment made no sense to me. is it because it's late and my neck hurts, or because you hadn't had your coffee yet when you posted, or is it one of those "you had to be there" insider comments? I'm prone to thinking it's my lack of comprehension, but...

and.... ABigail.... YOU PAID $5 for the Lip Plumper???? Man, talk about "gotcha item" at the check out counter!!!

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