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Random Acts of Life-Savingness

When I moved into my new place it hadn't been really cleaned. Mostly because a million people were moving in and out of it and graduation and having family in town and moving and all that at the same time.

We cleaned most of it as we moved in and slowly reclaimed the area. However, one of the bathrooms was a bit of a lost cause. I don't think it was ever cleaned in the year before I moved in. It was one of those projects I knew would take hours and fancy supplies and I didn't really have either.

We had our own remedies--cleaning the mirror, closing the door--small things to help us cope. My biggest aid was pretending I was at camp. Because at camp you're in the woods and the bathroom is a cement room that sometimes has hot water. You don't expect anything else besides water. This philosophy played out well. I would make a point to shower in the daylight and just let the shower be lit from the window and not anything else. It was like camp.

Recently, I was showering with my eyes open (never a good idea) and I noticed a dark spot on the shower floor. Feeling motivated I tried to scrub it out to no avail. I raised my eyes to the heavens and pleaded. I just want it to be clean.

God answers prayer.

When we came home from work that evening, the entire house had been cleaned. Spotless. Including the bathroom. Including the shower. There were flowers on the coffee table and a note from "us."

I can't stop showering. I live in a HOUSE! With a SHOWER! And CLEAN floors!

Thank you, us. We really appreciate you.


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Whose kid are you?

Very kind people!

And, I do not understand how some people love filth. I am glad my mum is a cleanliness obsessee and we have taken after her.

Also, I loved the bib. Great idea, Abs! It made me laugh, very loudly and it looks cool!

I promise it was like that when we moved in, and I just never had the desire to scrub the bathroom floor with a toothbrush. But then again, everyone has seen my room, so we all know just how much I can put up with.

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