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still smells as sweet

We were recently discussing baby names and I remembered that I was almost named "Pheribee" (pronounced Fair-uh-bee). I called my mom to confirm this and sure enough, she had selected it and was shot down by my father.

She wanted it because it was unique and a family name (of course, I can't actually find any ancestral evidence to prove this claim). After finding out she was pregnant, she had first decided on Emily and thought of me as Emily until she realized that a lot of people were named Emily.

My parents finally agreed on Abigail which was not in the Top 40 from at least 1980 - 2001. Then, suddenly, five years ago it became popular. It has been on Top 10 list from 2002 and almost every day a stranger will tell me that their granddaughter or niece is named Abigail. Never having known another Abigail growing up, it's weird to think that now there are a million running around.

So I was thinking of switching back to Pheribee. Unfortunately, I think the only person with this name ever is the actual relative (I guess my mom was right). And they have a hard enough time spelling Abigail on my cup at Starbucks.

We've returned but are too lazy to upload the rest of the pictures and will soon. After we go to San Diego. To recup. Just kidding, I mean we are going to San Diego, but so I can celebrate my birthday with the Jennies. (I've pretty much decided that my birthday will be a week long celebration.)


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and you think starbucks will have a better time with "Pheribee"??

you've a lot of faith on coffee girl. too much, perhaps.

You can be "Abs" or you can be "Pherbs" ;)

And I knew true to life, real time a "Ludmilia" and a "Fidelia" (both moms of friends of mine). And "Fidelia" was known by all as "Fifi."

Momma loves her girl and thinks as long as you don't drink and drive.... you CAN and SHOULD celebrate the whole week!

I love your blog.

I love weird names, too, but Pheribee is waaay the heck out there.

They spell my name wrong at Starbucks (Sheperd, Sheppard, Shephard -- it's not that difficult READ YOUR BIBLES PEOPLE), but they remember it every single time I come in and tell me how cool it is. If I were Dan or James you know they wouldn't remember. It's a fair trade.

Also, the other day I was at my parents' and we were all talking about how my sister Mary-Faith has a weird name, and then my mom told us they originally planned to name her Bethel-Anne. Needless to say, the rest of us have called her nothing but Bethel-Anne since that afternoon.

I would definitely write "Shep" on your cup.

Pheribee is NOT waaaaaaaaay out there. Wait till Miss ABigail reveals the name to follow Pheribee!!! And ol' Pheribee lived in the early 1700's.

Yes! Ghee! And she WAS married to Francis Pugh! Oh, Yeah!

Hehe, Pheribee. That is an amusing name.

If I were too give my name at Starbucks,it would take them 10 minutes to write it down (as I spell it out), attempt to figure out how to pronoune it, give up and then 3 minutes later, they would spend 5 minutes in mispronouncing my name, haltingly.

"I'll go by Ace today"
I have a nickname just so I can order takeaway food & coffee to go. ;)



Lil' Phebo.

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