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The Labor Day Weekend

It was really hot in La Mirada this weekend. So hot that we decided to brave The 91 Freeway and drive to Temecula (yes, there was a New Year's resolution in that link, maybe we'll talk about that tomorrow) and sit around and talk about how we were in the country (and also to eat good food).

Without further ado, I present Things We Achieved This Weekend:

1. We were at Claim Jumper for a long time, so long that I actually justified ordering multiple drinks and a cup of soup that was supposed to cost $4.50 but our nice server Lindsay (who told us a secret about her boyfriend's sister which we can't tell to a single soul)(but let's just say that someone found out something and let's just say that she's going to keep it) only charged us $3.50 before we actually got our real food. Which, for once in my life, I didn't finish all at once and therefore was able to eat The Motherload dessert cake which will change your life. And I'm not even exaggerating.

2. We went line dancing. At a line dancing venue called The Stampede. We had some moves. They were all bad.

3. We watched multiple episodes of The OC. That show is brilliant. And I want Sandy Cohen to be my dad.

4. Went to Sweet Bean, the local country coffee shop slash ice cream parlor and got "blended mochas" that had so much milk and malt in them that technically, I'm pretty sure they were milkshakes.

5. Lived with the beasts of the land. With four dogs roving around, a cat, and the horses we had a regular Noah's Ark Fest. Patrick was really excited to be out in the country but having no boundaries was a little hard for him. He wandered around a lot. And we rode the horses which was a good time and it was fun to see Heather and Cate have witty horse banter (something about horses puffing up? I don't know).

6. Cate's family (our hosts) are the middle of a kitchen remodel so we pretended we were camping and there was lots of barbeque and it was delicious. Cate's dad told us the tale of Tri-Tip (it's from Santa Maria, did you know?) and Amanda wove us a yarn about her Southern-themed engagement party.

(7. There would be pictures but my computer likes to crash when I try to upload so that's a project for another day.)


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Llamas? Were there any llamas?

Does Llamaism exist there?
Would Llamaism involve believing in Shangri-la?

Sounds like a spectactular weekend! =D

Turns out, the llamas were alpacas.

Who ever heard of an alpaca?

I'm not sure it counts as going line dancing when you didn't actually participate in a line dance. Next time, you are God Blessing Texas, lady.

And also let's talk about how Heather was too embarrassed of us to actually make any of our bad moves in public.

In our defense: We wanted to Bless Texas, but didn't know how.

And we sure didn't want to cause a rumble with the cowpeople by getting in the way of their stomping and spinning on the dance floor.

But don't worry, Cate: we are buying line dancing instructional videos and will probably bless more than Texas next time.

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