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Now Launching

Heather and I love camping. This is pretty evident by our constant gear pictures.


Also visible here and here and here.

In fact, we're going camping again this weekend. We've started expanding our market and expect at least 12 people to join us. See, we foster a spirit of Fun While Camp.

Camping isn't about forced fun or "family time" or "roughing it." Camping is about relaxing, doing what you want and enjoying nature.

For us this usually means:
-watching movies in the tent at night
-drinking lots and lots of coffee
-eating real good good for once
-drinking lots and lots of other stuff

And camping can mean different things for different people. And we're not here to tell you that the way you camp is wrong. So if you want to hike, HIKE! (Note: Heather wants to hike. Someone please hike with her.) If you want to "rough it" then here is a magnesium fire starter (by the way, COOLEST GADGET EVER). If you want fish for dinner then go catch one, if you want chicken for dinner form a line.

On big climbing expeditions (like Everest), our fellow adventurers start out at Base Camp where they get good meals, a good night's sleep, and geared up before they begin their ascent. It's considered the most luxurious of the camps. And when my life is like Everest, I like to camp at Base Camp. ("Been practicing this speech, haven't you?" "Little bit. Did I rush it? Felt like I rushed it.")

So, without further ado, I'd like to present BASE CAMP, an organization we've created to promote all of the above. Shirts will be available for purchase shortly and are complementary with trip.

Base Camp


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Nelson is pissed! You may want to rethink your design. How about this?

I'd be pretty darn worried if I were you.... Doesn't Nelson live dangerously close to "Base Camp"?

If not, I could drive him on over!

Sally, do not -- I repeat -- do not put Nelson in your car. It would be the end of life as you know it.

Did you get a new camera or just beef up your photo editing skills?

The photo is really good, innit? I loooooove the red skirt.

Have fun camping!

in england 'camp' means gay.

it's good to see you're open-minded and all, but 12 people? sheesh.

I didn't get a new camera and those are the same photoshop skillz. (Sucky ones.)

I had to blur the background because there was so much stuff in the aisles.

I think it looks like we're photoshopped in.

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