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Web 2.0

I've been stuck a bit lately in my writing mostly because I've suddenly rediscovered writing as an outlet and when writing is being an outlet it's not being much else.

So, in lieu (I totally just had to look up lieu and I studied French for four years) of actually blog fodder I've been coming up with tales of long ago, of lost loves, of cabbages and kings. And while there may be a time for those to rear (rear?) their heads I want to keep things upbeat going into the winter and the weekend.

So I decided to go to a writing prompt website. I was originally using Kat's questions but since they all seem to bring me back to morose I opted out for this round.

Google search: blog prompts

Some fancy imagination-station page comes up that I have a hard time figuring out because of all the banner ads. Eventually I find the "prompt" section. It gives me a prompt and if I don't like it and I can click for a new one.

"What's your favorite special occasion?"

Seriously? People care about these things? Next Prompt.

"When I'm depressed..."

I'm trying to get away from those posts. Thanks.

"Describe a typical day during your high school years."

I'll spare you the riveting tale that is me ditching first, second, and third period everyday, showing up for fourth and doing yearbook the rest of the day. Ooops, guess I didn't spare you.

"You can change life situations with one of your friends. Who would it be and why would you do it?"

The internet is a public forum. People can read these things. And I don't understand the question anyway. Is this like a trade? Or a actually-change-another-person thing? I don't think Dumbledore would be in favor of the latter.

And this one takes the cake:

"Write about whatever pops into your head right now."

WTF. If I was going to do that I wouldn't be at this site in the first place.

But, what the hell, why not?

What I'm thinking about: the kick-ass headlamp I bought for Base Camp. It's got a swivel and four LED lights. Also a strobe. How jealous are you?

That's a real question, not an imagination-station prompt.


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You show real wisdom in asking yourself What Dumbledore Would Do.

I could break out, of course – but what a waste of time, and frankly, I can think of a whole host of things I would rather be doing.

Yes but does your headlamp have a CAMOUFLAGE HEADBAND? People are going to be all, "Oh my gosh, Heather's head has been replaced by a strobing beacon of light" and it will be awesome.

Awesome! Email me directions so I can see it!

Heather Anne, what Dumbledore meant when he said that was: A whole host of other things like blogging. I mean, really, where was his blog?

Doddz, I think I'm going to have to appeal to crasher, er camping, rule #72. You can't brag about camping gear that you're borrowing.

Sally, oh dear. She's coming to my campsite. Readers, this is a whole new direction in our relationship. She is actually in the proximity.

Woo! A Harry Potter reference! Soon you'll be putting everything in Harry Potter terms, not that that's a good thing.

Gary, I already put everything in Harry Potter terms.

The other day Heather and I were driving and we couldn't find our destination and I was totally like, "well are you thinking hard about it? Maybe it's like Grimmauld Place."

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