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Blog failure: day three

Well, I'm home now and I feel as though I've traveled the world over the past fews day and I very nearly have. Also, still haven't slept.

But my trip began with the key-losing incident and my new manicure dissolving in Patrick's flea bath so it makes sense that it would end with an infected ingrown toenail (I know, ew). Thank you, genes. But everything in between was fantastic.

For tonight, while I recoup and pet Patrick and miss my hotel room, I'll link through again: PICTURES.

Tell me a funny story. Keys stories? Travel stories? Toenail stories? Please, entertain me.


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Once when visiting a friend I lost my entire purse (yes, there was alcohol involved). My keys were in my purse so I couldn't get any of my overnight stuff out of my locked car. The next morning we kept calling my cell phone until someone finally answered. Someone had found my purse on the corner and turned it in to the Student Center.

Oh, and all that happened again the next time I came to visit, only instead of finding my purse at the Student Center, I found it behind the (now empty) bar.

Not really funny, I guess, but true (and sad).


Can you bring Patrick home for Thanksgiving?

I've had no sleep also... and lots of travel.... AND I wrote a paper that had budget number crunching in it... that I think was awful... and I had two hours of sleep last night too.... and ....

I lose my keys every day. Sometimes it's funny, but most of the time I am running late and it's not so much.

i was an orientation coordinator in college, and one year some stupid freshman's stupid father dropped a huge trunk full of crap on my foot. and he didn't even apologize!

i wore dark nail polish for a month so you couldn't see the bruise, and then one day my toenail fell off. i never found it, and i still wonder where it turned up.

also, i need a life if these are the things i worry about.

I lose my keys all-the-time. My kids do not like it.


These photos are awesome! You're so artsy. :)

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