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Last night (well, yesterday, actually, the whole day) Amanda and Aaron got married. Amanda and Aaron were two friends I lived with last year at my old house. Amanda paid rent and Aaron told jokes.

When I would say that Aaron lived with us, people would look at me all funny. "I thought you lived with a million girls?" Girls have boyfriends. Boyfriends need food.

Amanda and Aaron got engaged on our couch last spring. It was the middle of the night (they kept irregular hours) and he just proposed. Out of nowhere. With so much hullabaloo being made about engagements all the time and how many roses and string quartets, I loved that they were simple about it. They decided to get married and then they did.

I feel like there are a couple things about Aaron I need to share. He knows all the words to "She Thinks My Tractor is Sexy" and also 50 Cent (pronounced "Fiddy") In Da Club. One time he watched America's Next Top Model with us. And liked it. (But then he pretended he didn't like and required Amanda to make it up to him by watching the third season of Boy Meets World.) And also, when we're watching The OC Aaron will sit down on the couch and pretend to know the characters and he'll say stuff like, "ohmygod, I can't believe Tiffany cheated on Steve." (There are no characters on the show named Tiffany or Steve.)

I'm so happy Amanda and him got married. We were treated to many a discussion about the wedding. What kinds of centerpieces? (Answer: a different one for each of the 33 tables. Complete with an explanation on Why Is There Sand in My Centerpiece? Why Are There Cowboy Hats?) How many receptions? (Answer: three.) My favorite discussion, though, was regarding what kind of music they should have.

Aaron: Amanda, we should have a banjo at our wedding.

Amanda: Uh...

Aaron: It's one of the prettiest sounds.

Amanda: It's not really a wedding sound.

Aaron: ...

Amanda: Maybe for one song.

Aaron: Hunny, we fell in love over a banjo. The wedding is celebrating our love.

Amanda: Okay, we can have a banjo.

Unfortunately, the jazz band at the reception did not have a banjo. They did play several Sufjan songs though. All was well. And now they're married.


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Just, wow.

How does all this happen under my radar screen? Yeah, I know, it's not even in my universe, but still...

I guess the next question is, where are they going to live? There?

What is the deal with grown men knowing about Boy Meets World? I didn't even know what that show WAS, and my fiance stopped on a rerun a couple of years ago and said something like "Oh, this is the one where Topanga..."

WAIT - is this the Amanda who likes movies?

Oh, okay, your "old" house. Gotcha. Now I get it.

So romantic!

But seriously, can you believe Tiffany cheated on Steve? I mean, WOW.

The OC was canceled. I'm surprised it took this long.

This is waaay precious to me. :) You crack me up.

I tried to comment already, to no avail...

This is PRECIOUS. You crack me up!

Miss you.

BMW is the shiznarts.
She still hasn't watched a single episode with me. However, she has dilly-dallied with me at Best Buy for hours while I play with all the cool stuff and not complained. I think that almost makes up for ANTM.
I asked the band if they could play In Da Club when we walked in to the reception, but they were too musically proud to do it.

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