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Friday Question Day: Who in your life do you rarely see and barely know, but feel an odd and strong affinity for, more than you do for some people you see all the time?

--Amanda Mae


You always asked me why I loved them more than you, gesturing wildly at all the space beyond us. Always the same question, always the same arm flail.

It's just their stories I love, I would say. I don't even know them.

But you would watch them all day long if you could.

Sometimes you would sit with me, and we'd watch the strangers have conversations.

See, they're more interesting than us because they're having a conversation.

And you'd looked at the couple huddled in an entrance to stay away from the wind, coats flapping around them, shouting so they could hear.

We could be having a conversation, you'd plead.

And I'd say, tell me what is more interesting than these two people, who ride the elevator together every single day--for at least two years--finally having conversation?

How do you know that?

Just look at them.

You'd sigh. Stand up, straighten your jacket, crumple your napkin, and say you had work to do.

I always stood up too, well, half up anyway, kissed you by your ear, and returned to my seat, my eyes never leaving my subject. I'd hear the door jingle as you left, and I'd be jotting down your last words, and my last words, and their last words.


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Wow, I feel shallow saying it is my college room mate, who I somehow think will be my room mate again when we are old and gray together.


Very Abigail :)

Wow, do I know Abigail enough to make that statement? I don't know. But this reponse is Abigail...

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