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Lately, everything has been setting me off and I don't have anything to write except:

a) lists of what I should do and/or have done (write Christmas letters/gone grocery shopping)

b) complain about how my life is falling apart (yesterday I had to take some stuff to the actual post office because the mini post office at work was already closed when I went to mail the work-related envelopes. And the envelopes were TOO BIG for the actual post office drop box and I had to park my car and go inside and wait in line with all these people mailing holiday stuff and I was so upset by this whole situation that I had to call SAN DIEGO and wail to her about my sordid life. She was standardly obliging, mostly because she called me last week because the kids were all wired from the petting zoo.)

So, that's why I haven't told any good stories lately. When I'm feeling better I'd love to tell you about the real live cowboy I fell in love with at Trader Joe's last night. If I told you about him now you'd also hear about the traffic and the annoying checkout guy and my asthma and SERIOUSLY I MAKE MYSELF CRAZY.

I need to start paying my friends for hanging out with me.


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Yay for late-night holidailies posting!

God you sound just like me right now. Yesterday I had to work late because of someone else's stupidity. And by the time I left I was ready to explode with rage and frustration. Then I almost hit a deer, at which point I just started crying. Seriously, I make myself crazy!

I think, at Christmas, there should be 2 lines at the Post Office. One line for people trying to do regular Capitalistic business, and another for people doing holiday business. That would cut down on the amount of people getting attacked in the post office. And that makes for a happier America.

I feel your pain. I haven't yet done my insane holiday posting--that's for next week, when I start pretending that Rudolph and Hermie the Elf are drinking with me while I slave at holiday chores. As of right now, I'm just posting pics of one of my hot guy friends and comparing him to ice cream flavors. It really takes the stress out of the holiday season. You should try it.

Emily, I moaned and groaned for two hours before I finally wrote this apology to humanity.

Shannon, I started crying because the shower was too hot.

Heather Anne, good call on the two lines. They should have two lines everywhere. Like at Disneyland? A line for normal people and a line for the people like to have sex while they wait.

Jill, if I had snapped a picture of Cowboy in all his Patagonia glory it would be on my blog right now.

Cowboys wear Patgonia? Ah, possible a Chilean vaquero?

You know, what you need is the following:

a) A road trip to San Diego
b) A carefully crafted mix made by yours truely for the ride
c) Margaritas (I'm fine. No really, I'm fine)
d) More Margaritas

Good thing all of the above are happening on Friday. yay.

Ooh, definitely go with the margaritas. And the more margaritas.

Um hi, this is San Diego and I'm SO flippin' ready for you :)

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