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This weekend = crazy

Friday night I was stuck in a costume shop for the majority of my lifetime with several of my coworkers getting fitted for a 1906 parted that I attended yesterday (long story).

The shop was... eclectic... and very, very weird. And messy. Way more messy than my room, way more messy than anyone I know. It was... dirty messy. Like I saw bugs. Score.

And the people who worked there were... unhappy people. Grumpy, mean, unhappy people. And my coworkers are all happy people who like working with people and talking to people and so we tried to make conversation but it was hard with all the hating.

And the whole experience (which lasted over three hours) was so discouraging that one of my coworkers, who was a Navy Seal, actually said that the costume shop experience ranked in his worst experiences of all time.

But my favorite part was when the grumpy costume ladies thought it would be a great idea to discuss my breasts with my male coworkers present. Good times.


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» Time Machine from My Life According to Me
A picture from the 1906 party.... [Read More]


okay, so now I know why you didn't answer friday night - some cockroach was dancing on the keypad?

Sorry about the grumpy people. Man, happy people aplenty, the breasts convo - kinda gotta wonder why they couldn't even cracka smile.

Of course, working at a costume shop doesn't seem to be the place to find the fast track to success either.

Would you pleeeeeeeeeease ask Amanda to email me so I can change my blog look?

Messier than your room? WOW. That's an accomplishment. (Sorry if I sound like a mom.)

Navy Seal? Is this another one of your bloggish exaggerations? =)

I was in Target this weekend and this woman shouted at her little girl, "You are driving me batshit! Now go stand by that wall and be quiet OR SANTA IS NOT COMING!"

Why all the hating in the holiday season? Let's send the grumpy costume people and the grumpy mom away to an island.

Soooo. You have pictures of this costume party, right? Hee.

Sally, didn't see a cockroach but did kill two earwig-like bugs.

Emily, messier than your room too.

Andrew, yes, I made up a Navy Seal to make this totally stellar blog post even more compelling.

Heather Anne, maybe we could send them to the South Pole?

Jennie, yes, there are pictures somewhere. Once I establish the location of these pictures, delete all the heinous ones and photoshop the fair ones, then I'll post.

here's my question:

Who in your life do you rarely see and barely know, but feel an odd and strong affinity for, more than you do for some people you see all the time?

Mae, stayed tuned for an answer on Wednesday.

Abigail, touche.

Amanda - please fix my blog

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