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Happy Valentine's Day!

True story:

I love Valentine's Day! You might even say I HEART Valentine's Day! Or I heart Valentine's Day hearts! Okay! I'm stopping!

But I always have. I love parties! I love celebration! I love people! And this is The Day of Love! Remember in grade school when we'd get the whole afternoon off for Valentine's Day? And we'd have a party? And everyone would pass out valentines and there would be cupcakes and punch and very good times? I loved that. And when we stopped doing that I started coordinating parties with my friends (for all the holidays actually, I made green cream cheese for St. Patrick's, it was a little bit Dr. Suess). And I always hand made all the valentines and used glue guns and complete sentences and wrote a personal message for each person and my mom would say, "Abigail, if you put half the energy into school that you put into this you would be getting straight A's!"

And since my high school rocked it was more of the same. Some girls had flowers delivered to the office and we'd all ooo and ahhh and some girls didn't have boyfriends AND IT WASN'T A BIG DEAL. One year I made a hundred pink cupcakes and my friends I made sure every person in our class got one. Our teachers would let us goof off and eat all day. And we'd all say I love you, Everybody!

And then, THEN, I got to college where apparently the world is bleak and dreary. Because when Valentine's Day approached people starting moaning:

"I HATE Valentine's Day!"

"Valentine's Day is just a day that Hallmark MADE UP to get my money! Well ha! Screw you, Hallmark! I don't HAVE a valentine!"


And I was like what is the deal? Valentine's Day is fun! Parties! Food! Cupcakes! Telling the people you love that you love them! Why all the hate? So don't hate about Valentine's Day. It hurts my feelings, but MysteryGirl! says it so much better than I do.


And I quote:

The only people who should be allowed to feel sorry for themselves about Valentine's Day are adolescents who still have something to learn about grief. When you're a teenager, it's still completely acceptable for you to think things like:

1) you are the only one who's ever felt this much pain, and in this particular way,

2) the words to every sad song were composed with your very situation in mind,

3) you will probably never recover from the injustices that you're suffering at this very moment.

Please go read that post. It says good things.


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» Some Valentine's Day resources: from Abigail M. Schilling
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I love Valentine's Day, too! Hooray, love!

Seriously, though, what is up with people who call it ValenTimes. Like its a Newspaper or something.

Young Grasshopper, you have understood the true meaning of Valentine's Day.

Thanks for the shout-out-- I miss those good old days when Valentine's Day was fun for everyone. I still think it's a good idea to make pink cupcakes for everyone. :)

(Speaking of cake, I love your Bears cake a few posts down! Too cute)

I wish I went to that high school. And my college isn't much better: they turn Valentine's Day into Condom Week, like they are inextricably connected. I mean, no, I am not a fetal alcohol baby, I get the connection, K, but Valentine's Day is about Romantic Love, about desiring the person behind the body, and if nobody had sex on Valentine's Day it would still be a great holiday.

More time to eat cupcakes, and less awkward, especially for people who live in dorms.

Sorry gross up your post by talking about whispering:(s#x. #nd c#nd#ms.)

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