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Really, the only reason I have a phone

"I am on my way home right now and I just think you should know that there is a woman with a weiner dog who is seriously so long that I'm not really sure how his belly isn't touching the sidewalk. And it is wearing a COW PRINT sweater. That's all."

"I am at the exact same intersection I was at on Monday and I am next to one of those long-ass fire trucks** and the guy driving in the back is really hot. I just looked up at him to verify his hotness but because of how tall his post is it's really awkward to not be obvious about it. The back of the truck says Pride of Uptown so I think it might be our neighborhood truck. Seriously, so hot. Sigh. That's all."

*Kinda like these guys:

**Kinda like this:

(And if you thought it would be totally easy to get sucked into the LA Fire Dept. website then you would be right. They even have a blog.)


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This reminds me of that Sex and the City - Where There's Smoke, and I would quote something from that ep, but it's probably all wildly inappropriate for this family friendly blog.

"Those are my pants!"

Mmm, firemen. I like men in uniform. Even UPS men. Or janitors. Do tuxedos count as uniforms, cause I like those, too. OK, I need to get back to work now. Good talk!

and these messages are the reason *i* have a phone.

but also a little bit to hold up to my ear when i don't want to talk to people in real life.

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