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The Aftermath

I'm sorry I promised pictures and was a liar. I didn't mean to, see, it really wasn't my fault at all. It's technology's fault. Firstly, my BRAND NEW CAMERA has something seriously wrong with it. I've taken all the necessary action (denial) and used Carolyn's camera to document the painting. But then I forgot to get Carolyn's cords from her Sunday night. On Monday morning I ransacked her room while she was at work. Unfortunately, when she called me on her break (after she'd taught like three classes and I'd finally stopped pressing snooze) I had already checked all the places she thought the cords might be. Turns out they were in her car so we finally got all the pictures uploaded tonight after our millioneth trip to Home Depot (we had to get curtain rods cut).

(the slideshow does not display the notes or captions)



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omg, it looks awesome! how's the lighting? i've always wondered how the lighting would be in a red room.

Whoa! I can't believe how good it looks. Good work, Team Bungalow.

This is just so booooo tiful. And I am verry "momma impressed" impressed with your preparation and follow through - probably even more so because of the anethesization that took place.

I would like a red room. I would like a red dining room and a blue living room and a mint olive bedroom. Hmmm....

It looks gorgeous. I love it with the white window frames.

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