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Right back where I started from

I went antiquing this weekend. I swear. See, I live in Stars Hollow and this weekend was the first of two antique fairs. Not only are we family-friendly here in uptown, we're also antique-friendly.

Turns out there are three whole blocks of antique stores right next to Starbucks and the alley-based Chinese food place. And the antique stores invited all their friends from far and wide and the police closed off all those blocks and the Red Cross was even there.

Carolyn and I were feeling sprite, family-friendly, and elderly so we decided early, early Saturday morning to join the serious antiquers and look for treasure. I actually found several cute things that I would like! This amazed me since most of merchandise was targeted at dish collectors, matchbook collectors, and what-does-this-do? collectors.

I didn't buy anything because I am poor and antiques are old and old means expensive. But did you guys know how beautiful old furniture can be? Or teapots? Old teapots can be beautiful! I am such a nerd!

To make up for my total antiquing nerdiness, I bought The OC: Season 3. On account of because it was on sale--only $22 at Target. Unfortunately, Heather and I promised each other--a very very long time ago when we were wee (read: 21), that we would never watch The OC without each other. And we would never EVER watch the finale of Season 3 (spoiler alert) where MISCHA DIES.

I cannot express how many times we said over and over again, "I wanna see Mischa die!" as we watched episode after episode of her stilted line delivery. Of course we are poor so we never could afford the pricey DVDs.

Since Heather lives in a self-declared other state (State of Jefferson, and yes the flag is two Xs) it's impossible for us to watch Season 3 together. And since I'm no promise breaker, I haven't even broken the plastic seal. Please pray that plane ticket prices can go down in the next two weeks because I'm supposed to visit the 51st state.

With such temptation glaring me down from under Sandy Cohen eyebrows, I had to get a Cohen fix somewhere. So on Saturday afternoon I planned a triple feature. Gilmore Girls: Season 3 (Brody as guitarist), Center Stage (Gallagher as "threatened by no one"), and In the Land of Women (Brody as hot, hot, hot, self-discoverer). I liked the movie a lot (and it's not what I expected it to be) and APPARENTLY Brody is a very good kisser. Adam, call me!

Heather? You're welcome.


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The two X's symbolized the peoples being double crossed by Salem and Sacramento, the disrespectful capitals of Oregon and California.

God I love this town.

Also, I already bought your rodeo ticket so if plane tickets don't come down YOU'LL JUST HAVE TO HITCH HIKE.

Is there any problem Center Stage CAN'T solve?

How do you find Luke's coffee? And his jam donut?

I miss Sookie's cooking and Michel's Frenchness. :(

You guys are going to a rodeo!? I am SOOO jealous right now.

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