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Spring Break, Woo Hoo!

I feel awkward apologizing after being gone. It feels pretentious to apologize. To say, I'm so sorry I haven't had time for you, I've been too busy with my fabulous life.

And oh, is my life fabulous.

Tonight I debated whether or not to go straight to bed or to watch another episode of Gilmore Girls.

My mom (Sally from the comments) was in town last week and we had a lot of fun bugging the crap out of each other. We argued about GIlmore Girls (the exactly same arguments we had about it when I watch it (in real time!) in high school), bought all of the Home Depot garden section and planted up a storm (she is really into gardening), did some shopping (items will be featured in M STUFF), etc., etc.

All the planting induced some really great conversations wherein Carolyn proved that homeschooling is the! best! Basically, Carolyn and my mom were able to discuss the wonders of gardening (it was part of Carolyn's schooling) while I clarified again why it was so important to water.

I also had a bit of an embarrassing experience last week when I failed miserably. I picked up this side job assembling custom-made invitation and my mom spent a lof of time helping me assemble so I could make a living wage. We stayed up pretty late a couple nights getting it done, but when I delivered the finished product to the contractor's house, I learned that we had not been measuring correctly and about 2/3 of the work we'd done was unusable.

It was really frustrating and discouraging. Things like that don't normally happen to me because I try so hard to avoid things I'm... not very good at. But I really needed the money, I knew my mom would be here to help me, and besides invitations are really cool! I could be good at them!

The error was the result of a miscommunication and a rushed meeting. I'm totally willing to take the blame. I didn't get all the money I was planning on because I didn't complete the job as contracted. And that was okay. But I still felt shamed. I think that could be me projecting--contractor was disappointed, I felt guilty, so I perceived stronger feelings from her.

And I was excited about this new side-income opportunity and I kinda blew my reliability. Ah well. Live and learn, right?

I'm back. For real. Blogging every day. Making mistakes and writing about it.


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» show me show me show me
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from My Life According to Me
Internet, remember how I got all distant and non-bloggy last week? I'm so over that. And I'm not going to apologize because you're more interesting than that. You're also more interesting than that little voicemail symbol on my phone. You... [Read More]


I'm back too! Woo-hoo! Woo-hoooo! Let's be back together.

I still heart you.

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