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I'm one stomach flu away from reaching my goal weight

Internet, I have given up junk food for four days. On Monday more My Pants waged a war on Me. They just up and declared war. I am a peaceful person! (I like winter. I like salads.) Since I have about twenty pairs of pants which I have lovingly protected at the price of my sanity, I'm not about to lose this war. [Insert quote from Roosevelt Infamy speech.]

I know the Four Day thing makes it sound like a prom diet, but that's actually not what it is. See, I need my pants to fit ASAP because on Friday, I'm going on a trip that actually has "potatoes" as a planned activity. And I need my clothes to fit while I do said planned activity. And also, I need all the money-spending that will occur on this trip to be because I am addicted to spending money and not because I need clothes that fit.

My pencil-drawn plan suggests that if I give up junk food for these four days and then have a vacation, that I will break even by my return. Then I can figure out a better system. Probably one that involves words like "moderation" and "exercise" so I can wear pants I already have instead of buying new ones.

As a testament to my will, allow me to explain that I live in Willy Wonka's Factory. Last night Carolyn was making something delicious from marshmallows, coconut, and chocolate (pictures to come). She brought back leftover Lemon Chiffon Cake from Mother's Day. We have every snack food and junk food available on the market. We have all the ingredients at hand to make any kind of cookie or cake. Or frosting.

And yet, I'm solidly about to begin Day Four. I can't wait for this weekend.


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I have been living on junk food for about a month so I've decided to go through junk food detox. I successfully avoided Chipotle today, so I'm pretty proud of myself.


Great use of the winter/salads quote. Gets me every time.

i think we'll work off the potatoes when we're dodging smarmy cowboys at the rodeo.

May I remind you that you're often mistaken for "Betty Crocker" --- don't go blamin' all that good cookin/bakin' on little ol' Carolyn!

I'm not understanding the whole Potato thing though.

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