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Bloggers! Live!

Dear Internet. Tomorrow (Thursday) I'll be reading at this blogger meet-up show-off thing. Since Neil already wrote about it, I'm just going to steal his text and make some changes. (My edits are in blue.)

As I’ve mentioned once before, I will be “reading” from my blog tomorrow, Thursday June 28th at 6:30pm at the Tangier Lounge.($4 cover charge at the door), along with some other glamorous Los Angeles bloggers, each one with the good looks of a Hollywood actor:

Joe from Artlung
Lynda from One Day at a Time
Deezee from Confessional Highway
Neil from Citizen of the Month
Jenn from Aka Jesais
Will from Wildbell
Kevin from Kevin Charnas
Peter from The Buddha Diaries
Tim from LA Daddy

I’m very excited about the evening, the first in a series titled LA Bloggers Live!, and hosted by the fab Leahpeah. I just hope people understand my New York accent and my habit of going “uh…like” a lot. And I don’t even live in the Valley!

If you live in the area, come on down, as they used to say on “The Price is Right.” If you are impressed with my reading, and are a decent-looking, funny woman man (with a personality), I will even autograph the body part of your choosing let you kiss me.

[His original post is here.]


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If there isn't a big crowd, I can always kiss you while autographing the small of your back.

Am I too much of a rookie or rather a lame blogger to be cool enough to hang out in a Chicago blog lounge?

This is like the 80th time in two days that I've cursed the fact that I live in Ohio.

Where were you afterwards? I was looking for you. We never got to kiss... or talk! Your reading was great. Everyone loved it. And you're even prettier in real life than in your photos.

And you did an excellent job! It was great to hear you read.

And I didn't get a chance to mention this, but I love you name. So much, in fact, that our next one will probably have the same name!

Great job! Loved your reading.... I'll post audio soon.

I thought you were really good.

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