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it's only a flesh wound

I've never broken a bone, I avoided impetigo all four times my brother got it (ew), and my most painful memory is being covering in mosquito bites after a woodsy camping trip. Basically, aside from all the immune system breakdowns and the anxiety problems, I've lead a healthy life.

Until Friday, when I managed to do more to my skin than puberty does to a 13-year-old.

It was a standard Friday afternoon and I was hanging out at my old house playing video games because that it was I do unless I'm asleep or being paid to do something else. Eventually, a crowd started to gather partially because I'm awesome (practice makes perfect) but mostly because we were all hungry and couldn't decide what to do about it.

The dogs were outside because they get severely jealous of the video games and interfere with game play. And after awhile you get used to the barking and clawing to get back inside. But some animal lover came home and thought that we were being cruel and unusual (dogs are people too!) and let the dogs in.

However, the front door was also open, creating a clear exit for dogs who think the only thing better in life than making me lose at Tetris Attack is running up and down and across busy streets. As soon as they finished rejoicing in their release from the terrible binds of the backyard, they made a break for the front.

I threw down aside my controller and took off choosing to target Deacon. I caught up with him on the driveway and threw my body on his. He slowed and I threw my arms around his waist as he continued his escape. My leverage was limited as I crashed to the ground and he glided out from under me, pulling me behind him. I felt my body skate across the pavement and when Deacon evaded my fingertips I pulled myself back up to standing and assessed the damage.

My elbow is totally torn up. It looks like a child's scraped knee. It's sensitive to the touch, has a gnarly scab that will probably each like crazy soon, and I couldn't do some of the yoga positions because of it.

Within hours, I had enlisted a team of makeshift nurses to bandage the wound. We had dinner eventually, played some more video games and then stepped outside for a smoke. Well, all except for me, the non-smoker. At some point during the brief hiatus from video games, a group hug was initiated.

I now have a cigarette burn on the inside of the same arm.

To cap off the evening, I rescued a cat (more on that later) and when taking her to my car, I remembered that cats hate cars. So I thought I would cradle her in my arms while I drove so she would feel safe. Bad idea.

When cats are afraid they like to be in control. And they will CLAW YOU TO DEATH in order to achieve that control.

I swear I've got through an entire tube of antibiotic cream this weekend.

(for now)


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eek! i know how you feel, though; i go through boxes of bandaids like they're boxes of wine.

I had some comment about this post and now I've completely forgotten it. So hi!

Who let the dogs out?

OUCH! In my very humble, non-medical opinion, I think scrapes hurt and burn most than any other kind of injury. And the pain experienced is invesely proportional to the depth of the wound.

I hope it heals quickly and don't be tempted to scratch the scab of or play with it ;) Take care!

Kat, I go through boxes of wine like they're bottles of water. Or something.

Jennie, you think you can just come here and be friendly? What the hell?

Ace, I've bet myself not to touch the scab. If I don't I get a present. If I do, I'm in big trouble.

In that case to ensure you are not cheating, the scab will have to be visually monitored by the present gifting party on a daily basis. Because a scab can re-grow within 24 hours. *nods*


And not all of it, but ofcourse part of it. Because really all you need to feed the temptation is to scratchy a small little corner...

I'll stop scab-talk now.

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