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Moooooooooooore pictures!

Sometimes kids are alright.
Soooo cute.

Some moving posters
never settle

i think of the Beach Boys every single time i see this sign.


are you a real friend?

monday. celebration dinner
celebration dinner (somehow I don't have a picture of the huge-ass bottle of champagne)
Julia got her teaching credential so Naomi made a feast to celebrate. And we didn't even open the champagne which means we get to celebrate AGAIN.

(We've got a "french hamburger", some garlic green beans, and some cous cous with pine nuts. I picked out the cous cous.

"The second cous was added in 1954 BLAH LARG AH.")

tuesday. pearls.
Carolyn got these from her Rich Relatives.

Real friends are friends that look through your camera and instead of judging you for taking a hundred pictures of yourself, say, "let's take one together."

6 o'clock in la mirada
6 o'clock in la mirada
I need new wiper blades.

uptown liquor
uptown liquor
Totally schools the new roseview in aesthetics.

cleanliness is next to godliness
biore nose strips
I forgot to mention that while we were watching Tall Tale we gave ourselves facials.


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I am glad you have a camera again (was there a buy one get one free offer?)

The photo of you and Carolyn is simple yet so lovely!

The photo of two people is actually me and Kathy. Carolyn is in the photo above it. Carolyn is my roommate now; Kathy was my roommate last year. They're both totally awesome.

And thanks! I'm proud of that picture.

Oh good heavens, on that last shot I thought you broke your nose! You can probably guess what my pores look like ...

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