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My camera! It's back! !!! Week in Pictures is back!


love: it's in your hands
love: it's in your hands
[a 10 foot tall acrylic paint mural]

whittier village cinemas
whittier village cinemas [inspired by this shot of JIll's.]

This theater has been here for almost 100 years. I don't think it's been painted in several decades either. The entire building is that blue.

And movies before 6 p.m. are $4.

old floor in theater lobby
old floor in theater lobby
I don't know what this is made of, but it's all around Uptown and when they remodel buildings they always leave this old floor. It's awesome.

Red Oak BBQ
Red Oak BBQ
Santa Maria tri tip speaks to my tummy. I found this place yesterday (only eight blocks from our house!) and we had lunch there today.

The sauce is served in those big ketchup dispensers instead of little cups. Awesome.

omg! i can't wait!
omg! i can't wait!
As if this town couldn't get better...

file folders keep me sane
file folders keep me sane
Even crazy people get their own file.

my friends belong on the red carpet
my friends belong on the red carpet
Friday night at the Arclight.

best midnight snack in the whole wide world
best midnight snack in the whole wide world
Sweet Potato Fries at the 101. Coffee at the 101. And the Black Eye Shake (not pictured) at the 101.

driving home from work.
driving home from work.
Cool results of messing with macro settings at red lights. I'm a little bit excited to have my camera back.

The Man totally ruined Roseview Liquor.
The Man totally ruined Roseview Liquor.It used to look like this, all vintage and cute.
Now, apparently, "Sam" is in charge. And now, apparently, it's a market. Bastards.


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How could your town get any better? Maybe if they realized Jelly Bellies didn't require an apostrophe or a y... And also, I think the pizza place is better than the tri tip, mostly because they give you sad food and great (drunk) contacts.

Four dollars! I can't even watch a movie at my house for four dollars. That's cheap!

I'm sorry, I still can't get past the FOUR DOLLAR MOVIES!!!


Your blog is KILLING ME>>>

I love it!!!

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