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[borderline crazy]

My asthma has been bad lately--especially at night. I've found myself twice now only waking up after holding my inhaler meaning I've so ingrained the process that I can cross our whole house before realizing I'm still asleep. I'm a medication machine! The sudden dependency on additional medication is surprising since I had everything under control six weeks ago.

I've also noticed an increase in sneezing and was trying to figure out the connection (options: sneezing causes asthma or asthma causes sneezing) when I had an epiphany today.

Or, rather, a client had an epiphany. We hadn't spoken since last summer and in our catching-up pleasantries he asked how my asthma was. Only then did I remember that this same thing happened last summer.

Duh. Allergies.

I feel a bit silly and I wonder how many other things pass by me without my noticing. I've always claimed that I don't PMS and every single month I try to monitor myself as closely as possible because I mean, if I could blame PMS for anything, that would make me feel less crazy sometimes. But I can never make sense up or down to my emotions except that I know exactly what triggers them, exactly how I want to react, and exactly how rational (or not) that is. And it never has anything to do with chemical or menstrual parts of me. It's just me. Crazy and self-aware.

So, I mean, I still don't think I PMS. I just have a lot of feelings.

I noticed something all on my own about two months ago, though. I often get the hiccups when exiting my car. It mostly happens at the end of the day when I get home, but it's occasionally happened when I arrive at work. They're short-lived and the painful variety.

What could cause that? Where does it come from?

I really should keep a chart. But I know that I don't get hiccups any other time; it's DEFINITELY related to the car thing. It has nothing to do with time. Or what I've had to drink. Or whether or not I've been talking. It's the car. And it can't happen EVERY time because I would be more aware of it. This is like a twice a week thing and I only think about it when it happens.

Get out of car, gather belongings, lock car, get hiccups. Oh, hello there hiccups, yes, this makes sense since I'm exiting my vehicle.

I plan on doing some 'net research soon to get to the bottom of this. In the mean time, I'll continue to be surprised by my asthma.


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I would guess that the hiccups have to do with how you bend or breathe or fail to do so while exiting your vehicle. I conclude this because one can cure the hiccups by isolating the diaphragm (I find this easiest to do with the old bend over and drink water from the opposite side of the cup trick) but any way you can control that muscle area will do. Thus, probably, doing something funky to that muscle area probably starts the hiccups as well.

Momma has all these answers, but it's better that you learn through self awareness and friends/clients. You listen that way! :)

Hey, remember when I first started reading your very first blog --- and I got lost and posted comments all over the place?

Well,I just got lost on this blog and ended up reading stuff from college days. I had to go back to my browser and reload your site. Phew, that was scary.

BTW, eventhough I don't wear t-shirts, I'd wear the one that says that I listen to bands that don't exist yet. Yeh, I'd wear that. Size X-large please!

I'm sure we've talked about how I get hiccups when I raise my right arm and touch it with my left. I'm not even kidding you right now.

At first I swore it was related to this body scrub I used in the shower because that is the only time I noticed it, but then it started to happen when I would take off my shirt to change or something. About 35% of the time I raise my right arm and reach my left arm over, hiccups.

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