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my hair is blowing in the wind

Julia and I were meeting some friends for breakfast on Saturday morning at 10 am. I was several minutes late because my asthma; it is trying to ruin my life. The friends were ONE HOUR LATE. Since this has never (NEVER) happened to me before, I kept expecting them to arrive and Jules kept being like, "let's just order." I shoved Sudoku in her face and refused to admit we were being stood up.

But being stood up for an hour didn't really matter because it was a lazy Saturday morning, I was with Julia, and when the friends finally did show up they paid for breakfast. Any day that I get to hang out with my friends and get free breakfast is a successful day indeed.


After a particularly troubling visit at the doctor this week (answering no to "Do you drink every day?" isn't the get out of jail free card I thought it would be), Carolyn asked me if I had to give up one, would I give up alcohol or caffeine? I answered caffeine in a heartbeat.

I mean, hopefully I'll never have to make that call (because you know what I love more than rum? Rum and Coke), but if my doctor ever decides that she'd like to actually ruin my life, she would say the words, "You have to stop drinking." Until then, I'm taking her heed to "drink less."

What would you choose?
I love my neighborhood


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I can't believe you even have to ask me that question.

Caffeine-free Coke, my friend.

This is tough. My first reaction was, "Oh, alcohol, no question!" But a few seconds later, "Are you crazy? Caffeine!" So. Alcohol. No, caffeine. No, alcohol. Caffeine. Alcohol.



if by "rum and coke" you mean "heritage and diet max cola," then i choose to keep the alcohol.

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