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November 16

I'm in San Diego now for work and I've got this big hotel room to myself. It's pretty awesome. Sadly, the thing I was looking forward to most was the temperature control all to myself. I can make it as hot as I want! Yes!

But it's as hot as a summer's day this week in California so I don't even have to turn the heat on. Guess I'll have to see if this built in wardrobe goes to Narnia. (Cue Narnia freaks explaining how that's impossible because the tree is gone.)

Anyway, wanna hear something gross?

On my way down here I stopped at this cute Dutch bakery next door to Starbucks and got some various pastries to share with my staff. We never got around to eating them so I brought them back to my room from the venue where we were.

Remembering them hours later, I found the brown paper back so I could share a delicious Dutch brownie with a friend. I opened the bag and I could hardly see the contents, they were so deeply covered in ANTS.

The worst part is that they had been there for hours. I had transported a bag of ants. It gives me the heebie jeebies. I was accused of over-reacting (when I threw the bag in the sink and ran away) but the accuser was able to nothing with the ants after killing ten percent.

I finally got up the nerve to do something about. Really I didn't want to be sharing my hotel room with hundreds of ants. So I turned on the faucet and buried the bag (full of the pastries AND half a leftover sandwich, ew) and left the room. Ten minutes later I had stew. And it was so gross. And it took half a box of kleenex to clean up. And I put it all in the trash bag and then triple knotted that to protect me.

Totally gross, huh?


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this would make the perfect scene in a woody allen film.

you always make me feel so much cooler than i am. it's awesome.

I dunno. I'm picturing you doing all this and it's more funny than gross.

So. There are a number of things that I can comment on.

Ants have appendages that act as scuba gear. In otherwords, they can hold their breath and NOT drown.

Secondly, Ants are clean. Thus, you could have eaten the food (with or without the ants.)

Thirdly, I think a less messy way would have been a better first option. Why on earth did you chose the messy way? Did you think it would all melt like those organic packing turds?

Lastly, in my world, that's why I have a dog. She'll eat it with beetles crawling through it! ("^

I couldn't think of a less messy way. I was in a hotel room. I had to way of moving the mess out into a larger garbage can. There were just way too many ants.

You could have tossed it out the window!

My mom taught me not to litter!

Totally gross!

I hate ants too. Ruins everything.

Someone tried to tell me that ants are sanitary. Yeah right.

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