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November 8

Wow. If you're ever on the lookout for me posting drunk, it will look a lot like that post below. I was so in and out of sleep when I typed that, that I continued to dream most of the night about the post. It had taken on a life of it's own in my subconscious by the time I woke up in the morning, so I panickly booted my computer. This is not unlike how I feel after drinking a lot. I've never had a hangover, but the panic I experience when I go through my cell phone text log is just as bad (I assume).

Recently, after enjoying an open bar (!) I spent a mellow evening with my friends and my cell phone. The bar and night stretched on and I was without internet or a reason to stop drinking, so I was in a particularly sharing mood with anyone who would listen. I sent a text to Carolyn letting her know that I was able to keep a beat with chopsticks. When my friend called from a pharmacy asking if I wanted Tums (I had complained about my tummy hurting, duh) I gave the entire plot of the reality show I was watching on MTV (seriously, though, Shot of Love? How can that show NOT be discussed at length?). I called another friend to get a phone number and shared that I was taking my pants off (to go to the bathroom). And my favorite random text? "I leaned so far over the sink to look at my reflection that i turned the auto faucet on," texted from a public restroom. Why why why were those details necessary? Thankfully, I've never had too much to drink that I've texted regrettables. Consequences thus far have been sitting back the next morning, embarrassed, explaining situation in hopes of regaining dignity.

And that's the embarrassment I feel now, reading that post below because people, that does not make sense. You can tell me that, it's okay.

In more sober, blog-worthy news, Heather Anne and I are writing a story. You can see the first part here and the second part will be on my blog on Friday.


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yay! a story! you guys are so best.


All the good parts are Heather's.

I've never had a hangover, but the panic I experience when I go through my cell phone text log is just as bad (I assume).

I can safely say it's not as bad. Although, experiencing The Panic and the hangover at the same time? Not good. Not good at all.


Well, alright, then I still claim to be ahead of the game. Whatever that means.

(There are balls flying all over the place!

and why wouldn't momma rate one of those drunken texted messages?


because momma always says, "you're not driving are you?!" as though you can hear me driving.

My favorite conversation of the night:

me: so what time do you think you're doing to be done tomorrow?

Abs: Umm, I'm naked now.

I think this was after we chatted about Tila Tequila ;)

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