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but I didn't leave the chair area

Have you ever had an eye twitch? It's not the eye itself, it's the eye area and it is the most ANNOYING thing EVER. I get these twitches when I'm "under stress" which is code word for "my job and I are in a relationship and every relationship has it's ups and downs." When I look into bright lights, or blink too much, or every third minute my right eye area pulses and I quickly squeeze my eye shut. I also like to try to rub out the twitch. Both remedies do nothing for the twitch, but it makes me feel a little better.

There was a time--omg--when I associated my twitch with romance. I know. I was dating this guy who was surely causing the twitch, but when I would get it (all the time every day) he would reach over and rest his hand on the eye area. Cute, right?

Anyway, now the twitch is just annoying as all hell.

And that concludes A Complaint and A Story, Day 1.


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Why do jobs cause The Rage so much?

I don't know. Love of money is the root of all evil?


Question: Does a shot of tequila help?

It's hard to fit the lime in my eye.

Yes I hate eye twitches. My sister has had one for over six months. It will not go away, and it's like the hiccup guy... it's slowly making her crazy.

Um, that sucks. When I was reading up on the twitch on the net yesterday I learned that if it persists then it may be treatable. Has she seen a doctor? (Then again, the site suggested that if the twitch was caused by stress I should do yoga.)

I understand. Completely. It's such a shame to be in a relationship that sometimes borders on abusive but you just can't quit it because it provides funds for food, clothing and shelter.

Too true

It's hard to say whether The Rage causes The Twitch, or if it's the other way around for me. Both seem equally plausible. Break up with your job -- there're lots more jobs out there, but you really only have two eyes.

Good point.

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