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I cannot remember the last time I had a flight delayed. It has to have been at least five years. One time the airport said I didn't have a ticket (number one cause of melt down, followed closely by any conversation with a "customer" "service" personnel regarding any kind of bill) but that's the closest I've come to not getting to my destination on time. I think I've had this success because I notoriously take 6 am flights and cross-country commuter flights that are so regular that clocks set their time by them. That's how the saying goes, right?

Of course, today my streak was broken. I'm at Long Beach Airport waiting for my plane to arrive so it can take me away. It's been 30 minutes since we were originally supposed to depart. They thing it will be another 75 til we actually do. The flight itself is only 60 minutes. I COULD WALK THERE FASTER.

I'm heading to Monterey for a Business Cat Convention. I'm very nervous because I don't know anybody (my friends: "Abigail, you're a friendly person. Chill the fuck out.") and I feel like a poser (my friends: "Abigail, you got invited to this convention BECAUSE you're a poser. That's the point."). I'll be getting wined and dined and on Wednesday I get to do something REALLY COOL. Please handle your suspense accordingly.

Stay tuned for pictures and reviews ("reviews") of exciting sights and sounds of Monterey, California. You know, once I actually get there.


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Momma is happy that you are happy, but please don't use that word. I won't chill out either. Don't use it, please!

Glad you arrived safely and are adoring your view! Wish I could sit on the deck and drink wine with you! (organic, of course)

Story: just got back from an open bar. Meow.

(Also, live music playing Walking in Memphis right outside my room.)

O MAN! Live music playing THAT! O M G! I could so be happy with you there.

That live music must be "outside your room on the patio over looking the ocean" live music, right?

Hey, email me. Or, read your email. Or. O never mind.

Here I am.

THAT IS THE COOLEST PLACE TO STAY. OMG right there! I am envious. Yes siree!

Maddie is laying on the bed snoring worse than anyone I've ever known to snore. Oh, now she's barking in her sleep. Must be an eventful dream.

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