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My weekend


I played Mario Kart on two systems, and played games on three systems overall. Plus computer games. I would say my mind is now rotting, but I don't believe in that. I've watched years of reality television and my brain is FINE.

Sidenote: Mario Kart on Wii is really neato but I am really bad at it. For example, I placed 12th every single time on every single course. The upside to being the worst kart driver ever was that when I got the mystery boxes I always got this new bullet thing that.. wait for it... propels you forward at 4x speed, steers for you, and knocks out all the other players. How cool is that?! Even getting that three or four times I course I STILL lost, but I sure had fun. I wanted a cheat code that would let me be the bullet ALWAYS. Does that exist?


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OMG, the bullet is my favorite! Probably because I suck at Mario Kart, too.

12th place FTW.

It took me about an hour to realize that the reason I kept slowing down on the escalator part of that goddamn mall course is that I was going up the down side of the escalators. And I didn't even figure that out on my own; my second-grader cousin had to tell me.

Serious wtf.


never play mario kart with my boyfriend because he will make you cry. he is seriously THAT GOOD.

The reference to segfaults made me laugh for obscure and nerdy computer science reasons.

ahHAHAHAHAHA that pie chart is my life. I never swear so much in any other situation. and I LIVE FOR THE SPEEDING BULLET.

haha! I was just skimming blogs, and I saw this pie chart, and then had to laugh. I like never swear, but one of the few times I actually get close is playing one of my video games... it's not mariokart. I don't have that one. Probably a good thing.

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