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you can tell it's summer and there's no tv because i can't stop blogging about books

Thanks for all the goodreads adds. I now have 12 friends so you all helped me DOUBLE my previous number. And for those of you who still haven't added me (*cough*AnnaD*cough*) would you get on that already? Every book I got at my last trip to the library was a goodreads recommendation so I am 3 for 3 for actually liking the books I've checked out. Woo!

In addition, my library is having a summer reading club. When I was a kid I was obsessed with summer reading club. I would go to the library nearly every day to check out new books and to report on the books I'd finished. We got prizes like coupons for free ice cream at Harry's and video rentals and stuff like that. We also got to roll the dice once per book read. The whole library was a giant board game and you moved your playing piece around. There were even better prizes if you landed on the community chest like free books and candy and
yo yos and whatever was cool when I was a kid. I don't know, pogs, probably. (Remember POGS?! LOVE.) You could go around the board as many times as you wanted, too! I was all over that.

My library's summer reading club is not like that. Instead of really cool and plentiful prizes, there are two grand prizes and one participator prize. There is no board game or free movie rentals. We get a lame ass library tote after finishing three books (little Schilbo covered that much ground in a day) and then for every book we read we get entered into a drawing for the grand prizes. The grand prizes aren't cars, though. They're just gift baskets. Lame-o.

Check this out, courtesy of our friends at goodreads:


ooooooohh, ahhhh.

Two thirds of the way to my free tote!


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What about a gift basket full of cash?

Where do I get one of those?

By the way that reminds me of this old Quizno's commercial that I'm so excited is on youtube because I still quote it sometimes and people are like whaa?

I'm impressed the even have an adult reading club. The library where I work only does it for children and teens. Hey a tote is better than nothing right? Maybe...

Yeah, I guess, the thing is: I HAVE SO MANY FREE TOTES. You'd think I'd say no or give them away but I'm too addicted!!

POGS! I had like five billion of them. They got banned from my school; did they get banned from yours?

I can't remember. But we did have really strict rules about when we could play them. And where.

My library does not have a summer reading program for grownups. :(

("Remember ALF? He's back, in POG form!")

See, now I feel like an ungrateful boob. You should tell your library to shape up.

Oooh, I want a summer reading program. Or BookIt! Or are you too young to have done BookIt? Those personal pan pizzas never tasted as delicious as when you earned them from reading...

I think we had BookIt! but we called it something else maybe. I was ALL OVER that. We also had Reading Railroad every year and every time you read a book you added a railroad tie with your name on it and the railroad would go alllll over the school. I think I need to do one of these in my bedroom.


We should do internet bookit.

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