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I have a cough.

You know what's annoying about a cough? Everything. (Bet ya didn't see that coming.)

It's all I've got. No cold. No runny nose. No thick congestion. Just the crippling feeling of dying via losing a lung. The coughing stimulates the asthma (standard), so I've had to up my prescription dose and puff my inhaler every day. Not cool.

For the last several years I've been using Tylenol's Cool Burst Cough and Sore Throat Syrup (night and day versions) for this obnoxious cough I get. It's not cheap, but it works really well and I usually find myself not caring about cost of medicine when I have a cold. (I will spend $35 at Rite Aid on syrups, lozenges, etc., and then spend another $15 on antibiotics at the pharmacy because I LITERALLY believe that spending money will help things. See: my extensive wardrobe. End tangent.)

When my cough declared itself Not Going Away on Monday night, I burrowed through my cabinets and found my reserve Tylenol syrups: a full bottle of blue (night) and the dregs of orange (day). I swigged down the blue nighttime stuff and slept soundly. Rinse and repeat for Tuesday and Wednesday nights. However, the cough has been getting progressively worse during the day and today I had a pounding headache and a overactive bladder (from drinking all the water). My coworkers were crying mutiny because I wouldn't stop clearing my throat (hello, most annoying sound ever) and I felt like I was going to die. Standard. Tomorrow's tasks: buy more orange.

I could continue with this useless and boring tale about how I'm sick (again!), but I'm not going to. Because I just took the nighttime syrup and that means it is night night time.

Nighty night!


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GSR has a cough, too-- you should compare home remedies. I think his involves a lot of beer. It probably wouldn't hurt to give that a try...

What kind of cough is it? Are your lungs full of yicky stuff? If so, you should try Mucinex. That stuff saved my life.

Another lost comment I just found!

One time I had a cough and I refused to take medicine because I thought denial would work better and then I got bronchitis and wanted to die. So my point is, definitely get more orange.

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