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Now there is REALLY no rest for the weary heart.

The truth of the matter is that I am submerged in one of the more traumatizing events in my life and my face is disfigured because it is swollen from all the crying. I'm definitely a pathetic mess and I only say this now because later when you find out that this coincided with my birthday you don't start pitying me. Because a) that will just make me cry more, and b) I'm not even pitying myself so please don't, and c) I had an Epic Birthday Party with people who don't cause traumatizing life events and so I will be okay.

The real reason I'm here is to talk about Michael Phelps, my boyfriend. I know that last week I was swooning all over Ryan Locthe and pretending I loved him best but that was only because he had just won a gold medal and you know how I am about those things. In real life, I can't stop talking about Phelps. He won a gold medal EVERY DAY LAST WEEK. Swoon. Dooce said it best when she said, "Interestingly, recent international events have brought to my attention a certain special someone who has so stolen my heart that he has knocked off two of the previous men on my list and now occupies both of those positions." Of course, my list is now 2.5 David Cook and 2.5 Michael Phelps. (I'll break down the scoring later this week.)

I've been a little verbose about my love for him, (Did you hear, he is the Greatest Olympian Ever?!) and last week my entire Facebook page was dominated by him. Well, not actually him, because he APPARENTLY doesn't have a FB account (Michael, are those gold medals too heavy to type with?), but everything on Facebook that is him-ish.

Here are some pictures. SWOON.





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you're traumatizing life event was not getting your birthday gift from me in time for your actual birthday, wasn't it? sorry, but michael phelps has been in china and mail from china is not as efficient as one would hope :(


such a fine young man... comes from a good family too. Great mom and sisters.

Coach is a good person too.

He's a true hero.

I'm so very sorry about the traumatizing event. :( To help cheer you up, may I present you with this
and this.

mg!, gravity or something is doing something in that second photo. hee.


You want me to kick anyone?

I'm just so damn impressed by him. And his Mom? I love when they cut to her. She's so very proud and it's awesome to watch.

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