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This is not my life.

Remember that one time some whore named ~+Honey+~ posted my phone number on her erotic services ad on Craigslist?

That was fun when all the perverts called me.

Upside, at least it was just a phone girl and not something worse. AND, I got these stellar voicemails:


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» The Joshua Radin Concert in Bullet Form from Abigail M. Schilling
1. Paul was it? It an effort to use Craigslist for me instead of against me, I RSSed anything "Joshua Radin" hoping that maybe I could thwart TicketMaster and get tickets for less than one million dollars. Sure enough, the... [Read More]


They sound like they're ordering pizza!


Wow! How many calls did you get? And, um, how did you get them to stop?

I get about.. one every two hours or so. Although I haven't gotten any since I blogged about it!

The first ad was posted Sunday night and was taken down around 2 Monday afternoon. Then it was reposted at 4. I'm still waiting for Craig to take action on that one.

And why did she have your number? Did she forget hers?

You should save those voicemails forever.

Don't know how my number got in there.. and YouTube lasts FOREVER!

I cannot wait to go home and watch this.

After your "doctor's appointment"?

Those are the most benign calls for an escort I have ever heard (and I've heard a lot as part of my profession). He doesn't even ask if you perform specific acts (i.e. "Do you do Russian style?") He is clearly an amateur John.

Well, based on the ad, I'm pretty sure this is the poor man's 1-900 deal. "Honey" only services a small area of her county... and I only got two calls on Tuesday. If you want Russian Style, I'm not your girl and they know it.

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