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Friday Picture Day

Well hello. It's been a while. Wanna know why?

riding dirty

This is Maddie. I have stolen her from my mom. (Actually, my mom is on vacation and I'm dog sitting.)

maddie guards the house

Maddie is sweetness and light and I am in LOVE with her. I haven't left her for longer than two hours all week. And those two hours were because I had to go to a luncheon meeting at work, but she still chilled in my office with my coworkers while I was gone.

all up in my grill

Anyway, I'm afraid of the kind of person I'll become if I ever have kids. Will I stop talking to the rest of the world? Will I not even go to the grocery store because I don't want to leave the object of my affection behind? But can you even feel that way about a baby? I mean, Maddie actually has a personality. And now I need to get back to snuggling her.


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» she drives a vegetable car from Abigail M. Schilling
Sunday was free museum day in LA so Amanda and I decided to take advantage and get ourselves cultured. Of course, at the last minute I couldn't part ways with the dog (her eyes! her eyebrows! they control me!) and... [Read More]


Awwwww... she's almost as cute as you are! But in answer to your pondering, NO. It is actually not hard to walk away from your offspring until they grow up and are cool to hang out with, which in my case, happens about the time they turn 12.

See, that's the trouble. How did you manage through the first 12 years?

Based on the first picture, I figured you had been gone due to all the Smirnoff. The dog is cute, too, though... ;)

Ha! Do you want to come over? See I bought the Smirnoff for a Labor Day BBQ because it was only $4 more to get the whole case. Now I have a whole case of Smirnoff and nothing to do with it. It's in my car because I am the laziest person in the history of time.

I would not blame you for stealing that dog. I want to hug her.

She LOVES hugs! Also, holding hands.


If I could vote for anyone least likely to be insane, out of touch, paranoid obsessive mom, it would be you.

And I really mean that in a good way. :)

Well, that is good to hear. Thanks!

I love when coworkers bring their dogs to the office. It just feels like home.

Yes! That is how all people should feel!

cutest doggie ever :)

I love her! I am totally planning on holding hands with her all night tonight. Can you keep her forever please?

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