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I'm renaming this blog Oregon


At PDX today I was bombarded with adverts telling me I was in the Nation's Best Airport, a title resulting from a magazine poll. I was feeling rather put off by this declaration because I'm kind of snobby and I didn't want them bragging about how they were the best ever, I wanted them to prove they were the best ever.

Being Portland, they were two steps ahead and after I did my business in the dual-flush-be-toileted bathrooms, I rounded the corner and saw this. Oregon, you always make everyone else look so bad.


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Remember Oregon Trail? I loved that game.

These posts about Oregon have been so great. I'm a native Oregonian, transplanted in Texas, of all places, for the last several years, and I miss it like crazy. Nice to have someone else validate how great I think it is.

Y'know, Oregon is closer to Washington than California is, so it would absolutely be okay with me when you move to Oregon. Really soon, please.

PDX? Really? Interesting. It's not a bad airport... I love the convenience of being able to take MAX into the city so easily and REALLY love the free wi-fi. But the LONG walk to the end of the Horizon Air concourse with no moving walkways... the crappy restaurant selection... the boring decor... the never-ending construction (or are they finally done after seven years?) it's not really my favorite. There's a few I'd rank higher domestically... and a LOT I'd rank higher internationally.

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